Second Trimester Recap- Moving, Traveling, & Looking Forward

I can’t believe the second trimester has come and gone! This pregnancy has really flown by for me and I think that’s in part because we didn’t share we were pregnant publicly until around 15 weeks and I have had a pretty smooth, *nearly symptomless pregnancy (knocking on all the wood here!) I know that the last trimester can really slow down — especially at the end— so I’m not counting on this pace to stay steady but rather looking forward to the change of pace. Because, honestly, there is still so much to do.


One of the reasons our to-do list is ever growing is because we moved from a 1 bedroom/1 bathroom apt to a 4 bedroom + office home and that paired with preparing for all things baby will really take a toll on the to-do’s! I know so many expecting moms find themselves in this same situation. Whether it’s your first pregnancy or your fourth, an addition to the family is one that may require more space and definitely more time. If there is anything I can recommend, it’s to recruit help! My parents and in-laws came into town and it was so nice having a helping hand cleaning, moving, and thinking through the dynamics of how our new home would operate. Outside of help, taking frequent breaks, hydrating well, and focusing on body mechanics when lifting and moving were key components to staying safe + healthy during our move. Now that we have officially moved, I’m looking forward to getting settled in and contrary to the last 13 weeks, not traveling every other weekend.


Speaking of traveling, before becoming pregnant I routinely found myself talking to patients about the second trimester being the best time to travel if they had the desire or plans to. Being pregnant, I found this same thing to be true. My energy finally returned around 16 weeks and we planned our baby moon / birthday trip around my 18th-19th week. This timing served us well because I had my energy back, was not as anxiety ridden with first trimester worries, and also wasn’t growing to an extent that I was too uncomfortable to fly or enjoy the trip. Although we were intentional about the timing of this trip, we had committed to our fair share of other trips for the celebration of friends, weddings, family gatherings, and the holidays well before knowing we would be pregnant. While it was perfectly medically safe for me to travel to these events, it was probably a little much considering it left all of those larger “to-do’s” for the seemingly long, but in actuality short 12 weeks of a third trimester.

If you are also planning to travel during your pregnancy, check out this blog post on things to consider.

Amidst the excitement of moving and the craziness of travel, I can’t help but reflect back on the big moments of the second trimester that included feeling our baby kick for the first time, having our anatomy scan that revealed a healthy growing babe, and sharing our news (& excitement) with friends, family and colleagues! I know it only gets better from here and I’m definitely looking forward to that time!

Looking Forward

There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more than the moment we get to meet our sweet baby. Although the next trimester has so many other great things to look forward to (nesting, baby showers, the creation of a nursery, and all things preparation) I know those will all pale in comparison to the joy our baby will bring. I’m excited to be sharing this journey alongside this community and equally excited to take you along for what’s to come in the next trimester. For more frequent updates, follow along for a weekly bump date series where I wrap up each week of this final stretch.

Thank you again for being part of this community. Your experience, feedback, and support have helped shaped my own experience of pregnancy and my hope is to give back to you in return!

Always on your team,



The 20 Week Anatomy Scan: How to Prepare and What You Can Expect


How to Find an Obstetric or Gyn Provider